The Official Galaxy Kayaks Blog

How to Deal with Wind While Kayaking

Knowing the forecasted wind direction and speed can make the difference between an exciting outdoor trip and a stressful kayaking experience. Read for more information on dealing with the wind while kayaking, including precautionary measures and techniques to maneuver your kayak.
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Kayaking with Kids: The Beginners Guide for Safety and Fun

Looking for a great outdoor sport to enjoy with your kids? Or are you a kayaking enthusiast looking to introduce your kids to the adventurous world of kayaking? Regardless of your incentives, kayaking can be a wonderful opportunity for you and your family – as long as it’s well-planned.
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Paddle Kayaks Vs. Pedal Kayaks: A Comprehensive Review

Kayaking is arguably one of the fastest-growing recreational outdoor activities. In fact, recent statistics show that the sport is rapidly gaining popularity – with the number of participants in the United States increasing from 6 million in 2006 to 16 million in 2017. As more and more people explore the exciting world of kayaking, so is the dilemma of finding the best kayak for your adventures. There are lots of choices to be made but one key one is what propulsion system to use. The choice comes down to either a paddle kayak, a motor kayak or pedal kayak. The latter uses a pedals or flippers to propel your craft, while a paddle kayak uses old-school paddles. If you’re one of the millions of users caught in this dilemma, read on for a comprehensive review of paddle kayaks vs. pedal kayaks.
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Kayaking at 70 Years - Adventure Has No Age Limit

At this point, it is pretty much cliché to state that age is just but a number. An argument can be made for both the proponents and opponents of the saying. While from a more realistic, true-to-life perspective one may argue that age determines factors like achieving legal adult status, driving license viability and retirement, the counter-argument is that age should not limit or be an obstacle to how one chooses to live their life over and above the stated factors. As a child, one is blessed with an overly adventurous mind. We are curious, always unsatisfied with not knowing and not seeing. Repercussions to actions take a seat at the back of the bus, and a desire to experience takes the wheel.
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Three of the Craziest Catches while Kayak Fishing

The kayak journey is an interesting one, both from a historical perspective and from the perspective of actual use. According to archaeological findings, dwellers of the Northern regions (arctic) conceptualised what we know today as kayaks some 4000 years ago. Back then, kayak use was primarily restricted to hunting. This was on coastal waters, rivers and inland lakes. The construction was simple yet effective; wooden frame made from driftwood and stitched animal skins stretched over it.
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The Link Between Kayaking and Improved Mental Health

Ever noticed how you often feel more focused, relaxed, and calm after a kayaking trip or spending time in nature? Well, researchers claim that interacting with nature has benefits to our mental health – from reducing anxiety, managing depression, improving mood, and even increasing our cognitive abilities. "The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside…” – Anne Frank
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Kayak Stability: Gaining Confidence with Stability

Stability and balance are key principles in life – in varying degrees of course. When attempting to stand on one leg or walking along a line on the pavement, balance is essential, as is stability. Change things up to walking a tight rope several feet in the air, and stability or confidence become more than necessary. While not as intimidating as walking a tight rope, kayaking also requires stability when in the water.
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Cool Inventions in Recycling Plastics

While a lot of people remain either indifferent or ignorant to pollution in whichever form, more and more people are coming alive to the fact that environmental rehabilitation is an overdue necessity. Those at the very forefront of this fight are doing a lot to salvage things, even though their efforts are still not enough as is. There are, however, those who are pulling most of the weight on behalf of all of us and have turned simple and brilliant ideas into workable strategies to fight pollution, at least in regards to cleaning up the ocean. These vast bodies of formerly clean and gleaming water have now become dumping grounds for an unfortunate amount of garbage, plastics to be exact.
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The Best Kayak Fishing Spots in Europe

Well, want no more, because here at Galaxy Kayaks we are lucky enough to have a fantastic team of colleagues, pro-team and friends that stretch far across the European fishing community and so we have asked some of our most experienced and well-traveled fishing amigos across the lands for some information on their favourite locations not for only kayak fishing, but also for some serious relaxation and taking in the local culture.
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9 Crazy Kayak Fishing Videos

We may be a bit partial to saying that kayak fishing is one of the best ways of enjoying the wonderful outdoors. It’s not just because you get to experience nature but you also get to practice your favourite hobby and some exercise at the same time. It’s also versatile as you can be paddling one day to some wrecks off your local coast and the next day you can be up river exploring new and remote spots.
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