The Official Galaxy Kayaks Blog

Top Kayak Accessories for 2019

A day out kayaking is great, but we all know that having the right tools will make the day even more enjoyable. 
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How to launch and land your kayak

As a beginner kayaker, one of the first things you need to learn is how to launch and land a kayak.
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Which kayak is right for you

When people think of kayaking, they usually think of sea kayaks or iconic images of dare devil whitewater kayaks, being skilfully paddled down frothing white, rapid-filled gorges are conjured up. Hard hats and hardcore gear for die-hard thrill-seekers and adrenaline junkies are brought to mind, but there are, in fact, many, extremely different, dimensions to the wonderful world of kayaking from gently meandering downstream on a delightful tandem, two-people leisure kayak to trawling adventurously across a deep, blue sea on a fully kitted-out, multifunctional, fishing kayak, you may be surprised at just how many sides to kayaking there are. So, let’s look at what types of kayaks we have available and which are best suited to the many different, qualities that each kayaking experience can give you.
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Practical Equipment and Tips for Kayak Adventures

Whether battling the elements at sea or gliding across a mill pond, a kayak can be adjusted to suit your every need. Customised, bespoke, tailor-made, personalised, specialised are all words that we can apply to kayaks and kayaking equipment and like with most activities it is essential to equip yourself with the right tools for the task. So, once you have researched and found the perfect kayak for you, be it a laid back leisure kayak like the Galaxy Blaze, a super sleek Sea Kayak such as the Galaxy Eskimo 17, or a long haul fishing kayak similar to the sturdy and steadfast Galaxy Alboran, it is time to look at what accessories are available for it, and how your basic kayak can be adapted to suit the specific needs of you, the kayaker and the specific needs of the day.
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Shape up for the Summer

Things are starting to heat up. The days are getting longer and the sun is getting stronger and our summer senses are being aroused, awakened by thoughts of no more clouds, of sun drenched days on the warm sand, the sea air no longer a sharp and biting whip across our faces reminiscent of a cold and bleak winter, but now a tantalizingly, refreshing cool breeze that skips it’s way across our souls and flirts it’s way around our sensibilities evoking memories of beach days, pool days, holidays and happy days. And then, out of the blue, there’s a slight daunting feeling starting to creep in, a feeling that you can’t quite put your finger on, and you ask yourself how can such fond memories cause such a sinking feeling to seep in? And then it hits you, it hits you hard and smacks you, “Shit, I’m totally out of shape!”.
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GALAXY KAYAKS Give Back with 1% For The Planet

Our world is under threat, we have helped create this threat and unless we act against it we are all going to suffer. It is as simple as that. It is our duty to take responsibility for the impact we as individuals, businesses, a species, have on the environment and not imagine that the proverbial “they” will take care of it. Realize that we ARE “them” and start acting.
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Back to School and Work Special: the importance of a healthy routine.

There’s a slight nip in the air, a cool breeze coming in and as the sun starts to set on another summer thoughts of alarm clocks and school bells and homework and traffic jams start to seep in. Late nights, lazy mornings and frivolous days have been the order of things for the last months and that’s all about to change. The old ‘back to school’ routine is around the corner, and we need to prepare.
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The Health Benefits Of Kayaking: Twelve Reasons You Should Start Today

Kayaking is a superb way to keep fit and loose weight whether you are clenching white knuckles whilst white water rafting or cruising along a smooth glassy sea’s surface, this sport will pretty much work every muscle in your body, whilst shifting around 400 calories an hour. 
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Species of fish we need to protect

Our fish need our protection. Fact. Disturbingly, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) have just advised that, as of July 2017, there are 455 critically endangered species of fish on their list. 
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